Weird. We've got our conductor here now, for a 15-week interim session. She's working part-time (3 days a week) until July 5, when the full-time summer session kicks into high gear. IN the interest of keeping our budget above water, the conductor has booted off on a 3 week camping trip in Central America. (I want her job!!) Even with her absence, we have had more continuous conductive ed than ever because it was a week straight and she's been here every week since; at least part time. People are making connections, doors are beginning to open up, and goals are coming into a clearer focus and progress is beginning. It's great, but at the same time, one must admit that for the most part doors are closed; financially and chronologically.
Most parents who I know, who want this for their kids are squeezing it in edgewise. Simultaneously, they are squeezing the dollars for it somehow out of their budgets. I am feeling the squeeze too, as an unpaid volunteer director. I want to build a program, but I don't know how. I want to raise funds for it, but I'm no expert at that either and I don't have all the connections or know how around it. How can I connect with the world-wide conductive community?
"Conductive education: a revolution for families with children suffering
cerebral palsy" a view from 2008
This is a translation from Russian, using Google Translate, of an article
link posted by Andrew Sutton on Facebook, for which there is not otherwise
an Eng...
3 years ago